All positions to contact material are made of stainless steel and have fair resistance to corrosion. 与物料接触处全部使用不锈钢材料制成,有良好的耐腐蚀性。
Large and medium diaphragm and measuring contact, jam, easy cleaning, further play a ceramic sensors, corrosion resistance and good technical characteristics of economic advantages. 且测量膜片与介质大面积接触,不易堵塞,便于清洗,进一步发挥了陶瓷传感器抗腐蚀性能好的技术特点和较经济的优势。
In any case, for the signal to pass through with minimal alteration, the contacts within the connector must maintain good contact force and resist corrosion over the life of the contact. 在任何情况下,对于需要传递而只允许最小限度变异的信号而言,连接器内的触点必须接触良好并能在接触期间抵抗腐蚀。
The fretting contact resistance fluctuated and dropped to normal when the island corrosion products were worn away from the contacts. 当岛状腐蚀产物在微动过程中被逐渐磨掉后,接触电阻也由跳动渐渐降低至有效值。
All sorts of materials are co-used in aerial structure and contact with each other, so Crevice Corrosion and Galvanic Corrosion are important failure forms of aerial structure. 由于航空结构中各种材料常常接触使用,因而使得电偶腐蚀和缝隙腐蚀成为航空结构的重要失效形式。
The existing problems of electroplating technology for electrical connector after glass sealing with KOVAR alloy as substrate were presented, such as overstepping contact body size, decreasing insulating property and poor corrosion resistance, for which the reasons were analyzed. 提出了可伐合金玻璃封接电连接器电镀工艺存在的问题:接触体尺寸超差、绝缘性能下降、抗蚀性差等,并对其原因进行了分析。
Contact corrosion of carbon-copper couple in 3% NaCl aqueous solution had been studied. 研究了3%NaCl溶液中碳-铜短路体系的接触腐蚀行为。
The effect of environmental temperature, relative humidity, time and the contact type on the contact corrosion between aluminum alloys and antiaging coatings of rubber were studied by the orthogonal experiments. 通过正交试验,研究了环境温度、相对湿度、时间、接触方式等因素对7A04-T6包铝及去包铝合金与橡胶抗老化涂层接触腐蚀的影响。
Exploration for Contact corrosion of Ti and Ti-Alloy and Protective Test 钛及钛合金接触腐蚀与防护试验探讨
Generally, under repeated impact contact, peeling of point corrosion on laser cladding surface is happened under lower stress, and the period of the increment of the crack is longer. 激光涂层多冲碰撞表面点蚀剥落一般在较小的应力下发生,裂纹萌生周期较长;
The contact corrosion occurred between Ti or Ti-Alloy Parts and other metals in the aircraft structures is described in this paper. 本文叙述了飞机结构中钛及钛合金件与其它金属件之间所发生的接触腐蚀。
The results of salt spray test and contact corrosion test further approved the same conclusion. 从盐雾试验和接触腐蚀试验结果进一步证实这一结论:注入试样比非注入试样在抗蚀性方面提高很大。
The contact corrosion characteristics of hydraulic concrete have been studied in this paper. 本文通过试验研究了水工混凝土的接触溶蚀性能。
While stainless steel was in active state, the contact suppressed copper corrosion. 如不锈钢处于活化态,两者接触后铜的腐蚀速度降低。
In agricultural machine equipments, the contact surfaces commonly were damaged by fretting corrosion due to work conditions complexity and the affected of the around environment. 在农业机械装备中,由于环境的影响和工况条件的复杂多变性,在接触面上很容易出现微动磨损造成接触表面的微动损伤。
The curves of contact couple corrosion current density vs time were measured for metal holders with two different coatings and Al conductor, and the morphologies of corrosion products were analyzed as well as the moderate temperature overburning resistances of different coating were also determined. 测定了两种镀层电力金具与输电铝导体接触电偶腐蚀电流密度与时间的关系,分析了腐蚀产物的形貌,测定了不同镀层的中温抗烧蚀性能。
The Electric Contact Properties of Pore Corrosion on Gold Plated Surface 镀金表面微孔腐蚀的电接触特点
The contact corrosion of anodized titanium alloys 阳极化钛合金的接触腐蚀
The results demonstrated that environmental temperature, relative humidity, the tightness of contact were the remarkable influential factors for the aluminum alloy corrosion; 研究结果显示:环境温度、相对湿度、铝合金与橡胶抗老化涂层接触的紧密程度都是铝合金腐蚀的显著影响因子;
Based on EDS and SEM analysis of metal corrosion surface, the course of contact corrosion between aluminum alloy, structural steel and basaltic microfiber heat-resistant materials were proposed. 通过对铝合金、结构钢等金属接触腐蚀表面的EDS成分分析和SEM微观形貌分析,探讨金属材料与玄武岩微纤维隔热材料接触腐蚀的原因。
Contact Couple Corrosion Between Metal Holder and Conductor in Power Transmission and Transformation System and Protection Methods 电力输变电系统金具与输电导体的接触电偶腐蚀及保护方法
The results showed that the unqualified processing of the plate holes, and the contact wear effects between the titanium tubes and the iron oxides corrosion substances from the plate surface were the main causes of tubes 'wall thinning. 结果表明,钛管管壁减薄的主要原因是由于镗孔本身加工不良、加之支撑钢板表面的锈蚀物进入导致的接触磨损。
In addition, the protective functions and effects of contact corrosion about the lay of paint and glue are analyzed in marine atmospheric environment, as well as the material fracture mechanism. 另外,分析漆层和胶结在海洋大气腐蚀环境中对材料接触腐蚀的防护作用与效果,以及材料的断裂机理。
In foreign countries, the research on the effect of atmospheric corrosion on electric contact reliability is based upon long-term field exposure and lab accelerated corrosion, and flowing mixed gases ( FMG) corrosion standard is established. 国外主要研究连接器触点的气体腐蚀,并制定了流动混合气体(FMG)腐蚀实验标准。
SiO2 particles will stay on the contact surface longer when there is corrosion product wrapping up them. It takes dozens of times of fretting cycles to push SiO2 particles away from the contact area. 在有盐颗粒腐蚀物包裹的条件下,二氧化硅在接触表面的停留时间明显加长,需要几十次微动颗粒才被推离接触区域。
Corrosion films will grow between contact interface, such as sulfuret and other corrosion products. In high frequency transmission system, when contact spots eroded, it will lead to impedance non-matching, this is an important reason of signal attenuation. 在高频传输系统中,触点受到腐蚀后,会导致阻抗失配,这是造成信号衰减的重要原因。
The thesis also analyzes characteristics and contact behavior of corrosion products after single SO2 gas accelerated simulation. 由于SO2是最常见的腐蚀性气体,本文分析了单一SO2气体加速腐蚀后普通金属表面腐蚀物的特点和电接触特性。
The effect of micro motion on contact can be summarized as follows: first, it makes the contact metal worn and torn and the basic material exposed, which decreases the performance of electric contact. Secondly, it causes fretting corrosion and oxidation. 微动对接触表面可靠性的影响,表现在下述三个方面:首先,微动造成接触表面镀层材料的粘接和磨损,进而暴露中间镀层甚至基底材料,电接触性能下降;其次,微动腐蚀和氧化。
Besides, through contact spot impedance test on different corrosion products, it could get the impact extent of different corrosion products on contact spot impedance character. The test result indicate that nitric acid stream influence the contact spot impedance much more than sulfur dioxide. 另外,通过对不同腐蚀物的触点进行阻抗测试,可以对比得到不同腐蚀物对触点阻抗特性的影响程度,结果表明硝酸蒸汽相对于SO2气体来说,对触点的阻抗影响更大。